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Transform localization mode
In Lit Localize transform mode, a separate folder is generated for each locale. Each folder contains a complete standalone build of your application in that locale, with all runtime @lit/localize code removed:
msg calls are replaced with the static localized version of the string or template in each locale.
str tags are removed.
@lit/localize imports are removed.
Templates are optimized to remove unnecessary expressions by folding them into parent templates wherever possible.
In your lit-localize.json config, set the mode property to transform, and set the output.outputDir property to the location where you would like your localized app folders to be generated. See transform mode settings for more details.
In your JavaScript or TypeScript project, optionally call configureTransformLocalization, passing an object with the following property:
sourceLocale: string: Locale in which source templates are written. Specified as a locale code (for example: "en").
configureTransformLocalization returns an object with the following property:
getLocale: Function that returns the active locale code.
In transform mode, the active locale is determined by the JavaScript bundle you load. How you determine which bundle to load when your page loads is up to you.
For example, if your application's locale is reflected in the URL path, you can include an inline script in your HTML file that checks the URL and inserts the appropriate <script> tag:
Always validate your locale codes when dynamically choosing a script name. The example below is safe because a script can only be loaded if it matches one of our known locale codes, but if our matching logic was less precise, it could result in bugs or attacks that inject insecure JavaScript.
For better performance, you can statically render the appropriate script tag into your HTML file on the server. This lets the browser start downloading your script as early as possible.
If you use Rollup, and would prefer an integrated solution instead of running the lit-localize build command separately, import the localeTransformers function from @lit/localize-tools/lib/rollup.js into your Rollup config.
This function generates an array of {locale, transformer} objects, which you can use in conjunction with the transformers option of @rollup/plugin-typescript to generate a separate bundle for each locale.
If you write JavaScript, don't worry about seeing the TypeScript compiler used here. Lit Localize depends on the TypeScript compiler to parse, analyze, and transform your source code, but it handles plain JavaScript files too!
The following rollup.config.mjs generates a minified bundle for each of your locales into ./bundled/<locale>/ directories: