Lit components use the standard custom element lifecycle methods. In addition Lit introduces a reactive update cycle that renders changes to DOM when reactive properties change.
Lit components are standard custom elements and inherit the custom element lifecycle methods. For information about the custom element lifecycle, see Using the lifecycle callbacks on MDN.
If you need to customize any of the standard custom element lifecycle methods, make sure to call the super implementation (such as super.connectedCallback()) so the standard Lit functionality is maintained.
Called when an element is created. Also, it’s invoked when an existing element is upgraded, which happens when the definition for a custom element is loaded after the element is already in the DOM.
Requests an asynchronous update using the requestUpdate() method, so when a Lit component gets upgraded, it performs an update immediately.
Saves any properties already set on the element. This ensures values set before upgrade are maintained and correctly override defaults set by the component.
Perform one time initialization tasks that must be done before the first update. For example, when not using decorators, default values for properties can be set in the constructor, as shown in Declaring properties in a static properties field.
Lit initiates the first element update cycle after the element is connected. In preparation for rendering, Lit also ensures the renderRoot (typically, its shadowRoot) is created.
Once an element has connected to the document at least once, component updates will proceed regardless of the connection state of the element.
In connectedCallback() you should setup tasks that should only occur when the element is connected to the document. The most common of these is adding event listeners to nodes external to the element, like a keydown event handler added to the window. Typically, anything done in connectedCallback() should be undone when the element is disconnected — for example, removing event listeners on window to prevent memory leaks.
This callback is the main signal to the element that it may no longer be used; as such, disconnectedCallback() should ensure that nothing is holding a reference to the element (such as event listeners added to nodes external to the element), so that it is free to be garbage collected. Because elements may be re-connected after being disconnected, as in the case of an element moving in the DOM or caching, any such references or listeners may need to be re-established via connectedCallback() so that the element continues functioning as expected in these scenarios. For example, remove event listeners to nodes external to the element, like a keydown event handler added to the window.
No need to remove internal event listeners. You don't need to remove event listeners added on the component's own DOM—including those added declaratively in your template. Unlike external event listeners, these won't prevent the component from being garbage collected.
Lit uses this callback to sync changes in attributes to reactive properties. Specifically, when an attribute is set, the corresponding property is set. Lit also automatically sets up the element’s observedAttributes array to match the component’s list of reactive properties.
In addition to the standard custom element lifecycle, Lit components also implement a reactive update cycle.
The reactive update cycle is triggered when a reactive property changes or when the requestUpdate() method is explicitly called. Lit performs updates asynchronously so property changes are batched — if more properties change after an update is requested, but before the update starts, all of the changes are captured in the same update.
Updates happen at microtask timing, which means they occur before the browser paints the next frame to the screen. See Jake Archibald's article on microtasks for more information about browser timing.
At a high level, the reactive update cycle is:
An update is scheduled when one or more properties change or when requestUpdate() is called.
The update is performed prior to the next frame being painted.
Reflecting attributes are set.
The component’s render method is called to update its internal DOM.
The update is completed and the updateComplete promise is resolved.
Many reactive update methods receive a Map of changed properties. The Map keys are the property names and its values are the previous property values. You can always find the current property values using or this[property].
If you're using TypeScript and you want strong type checking for the changedProperties map, you can use PropertyValues<this>, which infers the correct type for each property name.
If you're less concerned with strong typing—or you're only checking the property names, not the previous values—you could use a less restrictive type like Map<string, any>.
Note that PropertyValues<this> doesn't recognize protected or private properties. If you're checking any protected or private properties, you'll need to use a less restrictive type.
Changing a property during the update (up to and including the render() method) updates the changedProperties map, but doesn't trigger a new update. Changing a property afterrender() (for example, in the updated() method) triggers a new update cycle, and the changed property is added to a new changedProperties map to be used for the next cycle.
An update is triggered when a reactive property changes or the requestUpdate() method is called. Since updates are performed asynchronously, any and all changes that occur before the update is performed result in only a single update.
Called when a reactive property is set. By default hasChanged() does a strict equality check and if it returns true, an update is scheduled. See configuring hasChanged() for more information.
Call requestUpdate() to schedule an explicit update. This can be useful if you need the element to update and render when something not related to a property changes. For example, a timer component might call requestUpdate() every second.
The list of properties that have changed is stored in a changedProperties map that’s passed to subsequent lifecycle methods. The map keys are the property names and its values are the previous property values.
Optionally, you can pass a property name and a previous value when calling requestUpdate(), which will be stored in the changedProperties map. This can be useful if you implement a custom getter and setter for a property. See Reactive properties for more information about implementing custom getters and setters.
When an update is performed, the performUpdate() method is called. This method calls a number of other lifecycle methods.
Any changes that would normally trigger an update which occur while a component is updating do not schedule a new update. This is done so that property values can be computed during the update process. Properties changed during the update are reflected in the changedProperties map, so subsequent lifecycle methods can act on the changes.
Called to determine whether an update cycle is required.
changedProperties: Map with keys that are the names of changed properties and values that are the corresponding previous values.
No. Property changes inside this method do not trigger an element update.
Call super?
Not necessary.
Called on server?
If shouldUpdate() returns true, which it does by default, then the update proceeds normally. If it returns false, the rest of the update cycle will not be called but the updateComplete Promise is still resolved.
You can implement shouldUpdate() to specify which property changes should cause updates. Use the map of changedProperties to compare current and previous values.
Called after the component's DOM has been updated the first time, immediately before updated() is called.
changedProperties: Map with keys that are the names of changed properties and values that are the corresponding previous values.
Yes. Property changes inside this method schedule a new update cycle.
Call super?
Not necessary.
Called on server?
Implement firstUpdated() to perform one-time work after the component's DOM has been created. Some examples might include focusing a particular rendered element or adding a ResizeObserver or IntersectionObserver to an element.
Called whenever the component’s update finishes and the element's DOM has been updated and rendered.
changedProperties: Map with keys that are the names of changed properties and values that are the corresponding previous values.
Yes. Property changes inside this method trigger an element update.
Call super?
Not necessary.
Called on server?
Implement updated() to perform tasks that use element DOM after an update. For example, code that performs animation may need to measure the element DOM.
The updateComplete promise resolves when the element has finished updating. Use updateComplete to wait for an update. The resolved value is a boolean indicating if the element has finished updating. It will be true if there are no pending updates after the update cycle has finished.
When an element updates, it may cause its children to update as well. By default, the updateComplete promise resolves when the element's update has completed, but does not wait for any children to have completed their updates. This behavior may be customized by overriding getUpdateComplete.
There are several use cases for needing to know when an element's update has completed:
Tests When writing tests you can await the updateComplete promise before making assertions about a component’s DOM. If the assertions depend on updates completing for the component's entire descendant tree, awaiting requestAnimationFrame is often a better choice, since Lit's default scheduling uses the browser's microtask queue, which is emptied prior to animation frames. This ensures all pending Lit updates on the page have completed before the requestAnimationFrame callback.
Measurement Some components may need to measure DOM in order to implement certain layouts. While it is always better to implement layouts using pure CSS rather than JavaScript-based measurement, sometimes CSS limitations make this unavoidable. In very simple cases, and if you're measuring Lit or ReactiveElement components, it may be sufficient to await updateComplete after state changes and before measuring. However, because updateComplete does not await the update of all descendants, we recommend using ResizeObserver as a more robust way to trigger measurement code when layouts change.
Events It is a good practice to dispatch events from components after rendering has completed, so that the event's listeners see the fully rendered state of the component. To do so, you can await the updateComplete promise before firing the event.
async_loginClickHandler() {
// Wait for `loggedIn` state to be rendered to the DOM
The updateComplete promise rejects if there's an unhandled error during the update cycle. For more information, see Handling errors in the update cycle.
If you have an uncaught exception in a lifecycle method like render() or update(), it causes the updateComplete promise to reject. If you have code in a lifecycle method that can throw an exception, it's good practice to put it inside a try/catch statement.
You may also want to use a try/catch if you're awaiting the updateComplete promise:
try {
} catch (e) {
/* handle error */
In some cases, code may throw in unexpected places. As a fallback, you can add a handler for window.onunhandledrejection to catch these issues. For example, you could use this report errors back to a backend service to help diagnose issues that are hard to reproduce.
Override scheduleUpdate() to customize the timing of the update. scheduleUpdate() is called when an update is about to be performed, and by default it calls performUpdate() immediately. Override it to defer the update—this technique can be used to unblock the main rendering/event thread.
For example, the following code schedules the update to occur after the next frame paints, which can reduce jank if the update is expensive:
If you override scheduleUpdate(), it's your responsibility to call super.scheduleUpdate() to perform the pending update.
Async function optional.
This example shows an async function which implicitly returns a promise. You can also write scheduleUpdate() as a function that explictly returns a Promise. In either case, the next update doesn't start until the promise returned by scheduleUpdate() resolves.
Implements the reactive update cycle, calling the other methods, like shouldUpdate(), update(), and updated().
Call performUpdate() to immediately process a pending update. This should generally not be needed, but it can be done in rare cases when you need to update synchronously. (If there is no update pending, you can call requestUpdate() followed by performUpdate() to force a synchronous update.)
Use scheduleUpdate() to customize scheduling.
If you want to customize how updates are scheduled, override scheduleUpdate(). Previously, we recommended overriding performUpdate() for this purpose. That continues to work, but it makes it more difficult to call performUpdate() to process a pending update synchronously.
The hasUpdated property returns true if the component has updated at least once. You can use hasUpdated in any of the lifecycle methods to perform work only if the component has not yet updated.
To await additional conditions before fulfilling the updateComplete promise, override the getUpdateComplete() method. For example, it may be useful to await the update of a child element. First await super.getUpdateComplete(), then any subsequent state.
It's recommended to override the getUpdateComplete() method instead of the updateComplete getter to ensure compatibility with users who are using TypeScript's ES5 output (see TypeScript#338).
classMyElementextendsLitElement {
asyncgetUpdateComplete() {
External lifecycle hooks: controllers and decorators
addInitializer() allows code that has access to a Lit class definition to run code when instances of the class are constructed.
This is very useful when writing custom decorators. Decorators are run at class definition time, and can do things like replace field and method definitions. If they also need to do work when an instance is created, they must call addInitializer(). It will be common to use this to add a reactive controller so decorators can hook into the component lifecycle:
Decorating a field will then cause each instance to run an initializer that adds a controller:
classMyElementextendsLitElement {
Initializers are stored per-constructor. Adding an initializer to a subclass does not add it to a superclass. Since initializers are run in constructors, initializers will run in order of the class hierarchy, starting with superclasses and progressing to the instance's class.
addController() adds a reactive controller to a Lit component so that the component invokes the controller's lifecycle callbacks. See the Reactive Controller docs for more information.